Allendale Community League memberships are purchased for the period September 1 to August 31 and are $5 per person or family. Members must fill out a membership card with at least an email address for communication purposes (but you can opt out of all communication if you want).
What does my membership include?
- Up to 20% off at City of Edmonton recreation centres
- Access to Allendale Community League events
- Subsidized programs like Yoga, Zumba, and Meditation classes,
- Community activities like the Dart and Bridge Clubs (for details, see EVENTS AND ACTIVITIES)
- Access to Allendale tennis courts/skating rink and garden
- Periodically emailed newsletters
Where can I purchase my membership?
- Directly from the Allendale Community League by
- calling Catherine, our Memberships Coordinator, at 780-469-0361 <–BEST WAY
- email
- At all Allendale Community League sponsored events and activities. Payment by cash or cheque.
- Online purchase for Individual and Family memberships are available at Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues.
- In-person during business hours at Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues.