Advertising/Article Submissions


The Advisor is always looking for articles written by Allendale residents

Deadlines for submissions are:

  • Submissions due by April 25 for Spring/Summer edition delivered around June 1 (for Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep)
  • Submissions due by August 25 for Fall/Winter edition delivered around October 1 (for Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan)
  • Submissions due by December 15 for Winter/Spring edition; delivered around February 1 (for Feb, Mar, Apr, May)

Submission should be around 400 – 500 words. The Newsletter Editor may request changes to fit.

Send to with “Article” in the subject line.

Advertising in the Allendale Advisor

Anyone can place a regular advertisement as long as they agree to our current Allendale Community League Advertising Policy 

For Paid Advertising:

Supply an advertisement image in a colour or greyscale hi-res digital format (i.e., png or jpg)  Note: Although the newsletter is printed in greyscale, a colour advertisement is preferable for viewing the online copy (see the sample above)

Submission dates for the request (subject to change) are the same as article submissions dates above.


  • Full page: $300
  • Half page: $200
  • One third page: $125  Square approx. 11.75 cm x 12 cm (4.625″ x 4.75″)  Horizontal approx. 17.75 cm x 8.25 cm (7″ x 3.25”)
  • Quarter page: $110 Horizontal approx. 11 cm x 8.5 cm (4.25″ x 3.35″) Vertical approx. 8.5 cm x 11 cm (3.35″ x 4.25”)
  • Business card: $75 Standard 8.85 cm x 5 cm (3.5” x 2”)

Review the following for submitting your request:

  1. Changes cannot be made after submission except as required by the Newsletter Editor.
  2. Location of the advertisement cannot be determined prior to publication.
  3. Separate attachments or newsletter inserts are not accepted at this time.
  4. Payment is due upon receipt of invoice.
For Free Classified Ads

Submission dates for the request (subject to change) are the same as article submissions dates above.

Current community league members can place one free (no cost) classified in the format sampled below, per newsletter.

The community league member must agree with our Terms and Conditions


Requirements for the online form: a current Allendale Community League membership number (see below), your membership name, and the following information:

  1. Community league number or the name you are registered under
  2. Name of Business or organization or title
  3. Classified details (200 characters maximum)
  4. Contact name and phone number or email

Classified Ad Samples

Acme Lawn Services: Power Raking (Dethatch), Core Aeration, Power Edging, Spring Loaded Fertilizations, Lawn Maintenance, Roadrunner Treatments, Free Seed Evaluations. A Community services provider for many years!  Contact Wiley 780-xxx-xxxx 

Announcement Sample

Free Bird Seed – We are a major bird seed distributor here in the Allendale neighbourhood and are giving away all of our seed on April 10th. We have sunflower seeds, roadrunner seeds, popcorn seeds, and so much more.  12345 67 Ave, 10am sharp 

For information about the Allendale Community League’s membership or about how to obtain one, click here or call 780-469-0361.

Send confirmation that you agree to our policy to:

Put “Ad Request” in the subject line.