Abundant Community



Abundant Community Edmonton (ACE) is a grassroots initiative creating neighbourly relationships. The goal — to cultivate a culture of care and connection, increase the sense of belonging and inclusion, and ultimately create a more healthy and livable city — one block at a time. The idea at the heart of ACE is that the stronger the connections are between neighbours, the safer, more vibrant, and more resilient our communities become.


Each neighbourhood block is assigned a Block Connector: a community volunteer acting as the point person for the families living on the block. We begin by introducing neighbours to each other at an informal gathering, like: a barbecue, an open house, or a wine and cheese party. Block Connectors interview each household on their block to find out what activities they would like to participate in with their neighbours, what skills they have and are willing to contribute to the neighbourhood community, and discover what their vision is for the neighbourhood. We catalog survey responses to create community groups and activities, help neighbours in need, and shape the block according to the ideals of its residents. Allendale residents’ responses to the interview questions are listed anonymously when added to the website. Residents can see what our community thinks of itself below.



The City of Edmonton’s hopes that Abundant Community Edmonton communities will help their residents to:

  • Enable relationship building to advance connection and belonging
  • Shape community life according to residents’ vision for their neighbourhood
  • Build neighbourhood identity and pride through shared ownership and responsibility
  • Facilitate local recreation opportunities
  • Foster an environment of care for one another
  • Reduce social isolation
  • Increase safety on the block and in the neighbourhood
  • Build the capacity of the neighbourhood to engage with neighbourhood leadership and the City of Edmonton


As part of Abundant Community Allendale, our Block Connectors have been asking their neighbours what they would like to see, to do, and to have in our community.

The three questions we ask concern:

Click on the links above to review the survey results for each question.

Ask about your Block Connector or become one to help with connecting and contributing to Abundant Community Allendale. 

How would you like to participate to shape your community? Take part in our survey. The helps us make plans for your block.

Contact allendaleace@gmail.com