Allendale community league memberships are FREE this year, so join the herd!
Milk your membership for all it’s worth! By signing up, you get:
– Up to 20% off at City of Edmonton recreation centres
– Access to Allendale Community League events, like the Pancake Breakfast
– Subsidized programs like Yoga, Zumba, and Meditation classes at Allendale Hall
– Community activities like the Dart and Bridge Clubs
– Access to Allendale tennis courts, skating rink and garden
– Periodically emailed newsletters
– *NEW* Free 200 character ad in the classified section of the newsletter (apply here)
3 ways to get your membership:
1. Contact
2. Call Catherine (Memberships Coordinator) at 780-469-0361
3. Purchase online at (EFCL charges a $5 admin fee).